Outlaws is a 90s-inspired indie rock ballad marking the return of STEVEN WINTON, known for his electro-pop work in Fridge Magnets. The track is very different from WINTON’s previous work, utilising layers of guitar and clear, crisp vocals to tell a story full of melancholy and introspection. The main thing that sold me on the track was its excellent use of guitar. Throughout the track, WINTON uses a mixture of electric guitar licks, acoustic strumming, and spaced-out reverb to deliver awe-inspiring energy, emotional vulnerability, and self-reflective power.

They move in and out of the mix flawlessly, understanding the right moment to add to the melody and when to allow other elements to take centre stage. They almost feel like different personalities contributing to the track as it develops. The song has a deeply introspective message, with lyrics about trying to get close to the truth while looking in the mirror. A sense of desperation is communicated through the lyrics about trying to find reality and your place in it. However, the word choice of getting close to reality reveals that from WINTON’s perspective, there is no objective reality to tap into. There is only our perception of it. This level of philosophical depth can often come at the cost of the track’s flow, distracting from the musicality to make a point. This is not the case with Outlaws. While articulately exploring the complexities of the track’s themes, they also manage to build an entertaining rhythm and flow that keeps the listener hooked from beginning to end.
The strumming on the acoustic guitar stands out because it adds to the rhythm through the power of each strum while building up the melodic depth and emotional landscape of the track. WINTON utilises one instrument to achieve both aims. This choice is an example of their fantastic technical execution and clear emotional connection that has delivered a piece of work that stands as a cut above in a crowded genre.